Monday, May 3, 2021

Blog #7 - The Progressive Era - Antiwar

     After reading through some of the articles on ANTIWAR.COM, I came to the conclusion that I do not know enough about both foreign and domestic war issues. I had already known this based on the fact that I do not usually seek out that genre of news, but this made it even more evident. That being said, I did find it odd that these kinds of articles are not "advertised" to me as often as I would anticipate they would be. This could be because of my lack of searches and online interest in them, but I have a feeling it is because of something much bigger than personalized advertising.

    First off, I believe the government has gotten much better at silencing those whose viewpoints do not align with the image they want to portray. The simple fact that I have never even heard of these websites or the articles that they broadcast shows that these viewpoints do not agree with what the government wants us to see. One article that I had no idea about but struck me as important was one regarding the Logar Suicide Bombing. In this article, the author quotes from Acting Minister of Interior, Hayatullah Hayat. “Overall, the Taliban is a group that has foreign support. Any attack and killing that are occurring here, without any doubt, the Taliban and their backers in the region are behind them,” said Hayat.

    As a first-world country, these tragedies are not seen as our problem because they are not Americans dying in them. The bigger problem is that American troops are leaving these areas that need help the most. Just because these places do not offer us any profit, we feel that we can leave and then broadcast to our own nation that it is the right thing to do. All the while, extremist groups grow and continue to kill innocent people. I first felt guilty for not knowing about these issues. I think I should do more research on topics like these, but at the same time, I am angered by the fact that the news I consume does not even attempt to include this. The government knows that young people are able to make an anti-war change, just as they did in the past, and that is why we must learn to make this movement much larger than it is.

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