Saturday, April 3, 2021

Blog #3 - Eight Values of Free Expression

    I think everyone wants to make some sort of difference in the world. Without a doubt, I want to make a difference and I know exactly how I want to do that. As a journalism major, I have been able to learn how to tell an informative and engaging story that is not only unbiased, but includes multiple perspectives. Over the last few weeks, our class has studied the Eight Values of Free Expression - marketplace of ideas, participation in self-government, stable change, individual self fulfillment, check on governmental power, promote tolerance, promote innovation, and protect dissent. While all of them are incredibly important to the overall welfare of the American people, I have found two of them to be the most influential to me. 
    The first is the Check on Governmental Power, also known as the Watchdog Role. This speech theory by Vince Blasi defines the importance of the press in terms of checks and balances with the government. As a journalist, I have learned the history of muckraking in America. My favorite example of this type of journalism was Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. This piece exposed the horrible conditions of the meat packing industry in the early 1900's and led to the creation of new federal food safety laws. While this example is not directly political, it does show the power and impact that the press has on the decisions of the country.
    The second Value of Free Expression that is important to me is Individual Self-Fulfillment. This is also known as Self-Actualization and I believe it is the central idea of what most Americans mean when they talk about "freedom." Individual Self-Fulfillment allows for citizens to express themselves in any which way they would like. While on a negative side this can lead to hate speech and hate crime, ultimately, Individual Self-Fulfillment is meant to allow each person to have a special identity and find happiness from that. This use of free speech is seen 24/7 throughout the United States. Especially in the latest presidential election, I watched as every individual was allowed to proudly speak about their opinions.
    Both Check on Governmental Power and Individual Self-Fulfillment are important in allowing citizens to feel listened to and involved in their government. Without either of these values of free expression, our country would look something like George Orwell's dystopia in 1984. I personally have indulged in both of these values of free expression. I enjoy having the freedom to be and say whoever and whatever I want. Also, my hope as a journalist is to be able to change the world with my work. While I may not be taking down the entire country's meat packing industry, I know that with the use of free speech and a check on governmental power, I have the ability to make a difference that is bigger than me.

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