Sunday, May 2, 2021

Blog #5 - In the Age of AI

    It's no surprise that artificial intelligence has caused such a massive conversation to pop up around the world. Simply the definition of A.I. is enough to make you question the existence of it. According to Investopedia, AI is classified as "the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions". I had some knowledge of AI before watching the video, but now that I have watched it, I have a whole new perspective on bringing AI into our day-to-day lives.

    I personally believe that the increase in any technology is a positive impact on the world. Sure, it may have some flaws that make it seem unhelpful, but ultimately, any addition to innovation is a good one in my book. In the video, one of the biggest pros was that of persoanlizing our lives. We even spoke in class about how you can be talking about something on the phone and then you'll begin to receive ads regarding the topic you were talking about. This can be seen as making our lives more efficient, or it can be seen as invading our privacy. Although I love to see technology grow, I have to agree with the video that this is too far.

    This problem is also found in national and online security. The advanced technology from AI of facial recognition is found and used by many companies. Organizations like Facebook then sell that data of our lives to other companies and even the government. One aspect of privacy that the video brought up was the fact that with a single camera, the government could gather exactly who you are in less than a second. Not only is this scary to hear about as a citizen, but it is even more scary when you think about the fact that this is only going to get worse if it is not stopped. The problem is I don't think it ever will.


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