Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog #2 - U.S. Supreme Court

One of the most surprising things about me is that I am a journalism major who does not enjoy politics. For as long as I have known, politics have seemed like too much drama for me to be interested in. That being said, I fully understand the importance in knowing about our government. Especially as a journalist, knowing my rights and the laws that involve the people around me is something that I have learned to take very seriously. Something I have not done a lot of researching in, however, is the Supreme Court.

    Before reading the History article, all I knew about the Supreme Court was that it was made up of nine judges and that it dealt with very high-up/important cases. Now that I have done some more research into SCOTUS, my understanding and view of it has changed quite a bit. I now know that the "high-up" cases are actually cases that determine the constitutionality of a certain event or action. I also learned about the long and difficult history that the court has had. From poor transportation to meetings, to the changing of the number of judges, I found the fact that SCOTUS was not always the "put-together" group that they are now to be one of the most surprising and interesting things I have learned.

    While my view of the Supreme Court hasn't necessarily gotten better or worse, I can say that it has made me want to learn more about our government. One moment in the video that caught my attention was when the Justices were sitting around the table and all agreed that many citizens believe the myth that the Supreme Court has inner secrets. I thought this was very interesting because unfortunately I was one of those people who thought that. I am positive that there are more people like me who do not know enough about our government and for that reason I would recommend anyone to read the History article or either of the sites linked below.

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